Remove Bed Bugs from Your Summer Plans

Escondido symptoms of bedbugs | Pest Control Escondido, CA

With Americans traveling near-record numbers this spring, an uptick in bed bug cases is not ruled out. National Bed Bug Awareness Week begins this Sunday, June 4. Escondido CA, your friendly pest, mosquito, termite, and rodent control expert, would like to help you keep bed bugs out of your summer vacation or business travels and your home when you return. Here are some safety steps you may take to protect yourself and your family:

  • Before you go on vacation, check travel websites to see whether your hotel has been reported to have bed bugs.
  • Before you unpack, examine the whole room, or rooms, for bed bugs. Look under the light fixtures, beneath the headboard, and inside dressers, drawers, sofas, and chairs.
  • Remove the covers and look for pepper-like stains, patches, or cast-off bed bug skins in the mattress seams and box springs, particularly around the corners.
  • Bed bugs may spread swiftly via housekeeping carts, luggage, and wall outlets. When an infestation spreads, it often begins in the rooms nearest the source.
  • Only unpack your day’s clothes, and keep your shoes on the floor.
  • Keep your belongings in the bathtub or on a tile floor since these are the least likely places for bed bugs to reside.
  • When you go home, carefully check your things for bed bugs, including your clothing.
  • Unpack your baggage outdoors or in the garage, then wash or dry everything for at least 10 minutes on the highest temperature setting.


Here are some fascinating bed bug facts to wow – and maybe offend – your pals at your next trivia night. Surprisingly, there is a lot to know about bed bugs:

  • Bed bugs are found worldwide and are thought to have come to the United States from Europe in the 17th century.
  • Bed bugs mostly prey on humans but may also feed on warm-blooded animals such as birds, mice, and domestic pets.
  • Compared to most other insects, adults are around a quarter-inch long, flat, and oval-shaped.
  • Bed bugs may lay between one and five eggs.
  •  Daily and up to 500 eggs in their lifetime.
  • Bed bugs may survive for months without feeding on blood.
  • Bed bugs can withstand temperatures ranging from near-freezing to 122 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Before returning to digest, bed bugs suck blood for around five minutes.
  • Hatchling bed bugs are so minor they may squeeze through a mattress stitching hole.
  • Bed bugs may devour seven times their body weight in blood, equivalent to a man drinking 120 liters of water.
  • Anesthetic components in bed bug saliva induce increased blood flow at the bite site. The bed bug can feed rapidly and painlessly without awakening the host.

Escondido Pest Control provides bed bug solutions.

A trained pest professional starts an effective bed bug treatment procedure with a rigorous, complete inspection of all known and suspected hiding locations. This is not a nuisance that can be effectively addressed by doing it yourself.

If you suspect your home has bed bugs, contact California’s trusted and friendly bed bug and pest treatment professional at (619) 900-6771 or Visit our website We can conduct a professional assessment, make an accurate diagnosis, and, if required, give a multi-tiered control and prevention program tailored to your needs. Escondido Pest Control appreciates your help in keeping pests out of your home and yard until the next time.