Signs of A Bed Bug Infestation

Signs of A Bed Bug Infestation

Getting rid of these tiny pests as soon as possible is critical. Bed bugs spread readily from one area to another as they move from host to host. Please don’t let them steal you from your sleep or possessions. Detect bed bug infestation indications early and take urgent measures to eliminate bed bugs.

  • What Are Bed Bugs?
  • What Are Bed Bugs Look Like? Typical Symptoms of a Bed Bug Infestation
  • Homemade Treatments

What Are Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are little insects that are most active at night. They are called hitchhikers since they travel by crawling on people’s baggage, purses, and clothes.

How Do Bed Bugs Appear?

Bed bugs are generally between 1/4 and 3/8 of an inch long and light brown in appearance (though bed bugs may appear to be a different color if they have recently been fed).

Common Signs of A Bed Bug Infestation

There are a few warning signals that might suggest a bed insect infestation:

Bed Bug Bites

“Don’t let the bed bug bite” isn’t simply something your parents say before you go to bed. Bedbugs do bite. Itchy bed bug bites on the skin that look like mosquito or flea bites are one of the most prevalent bed bug infestation symptoms, particularly on exposed regions like the hands, neck, shoulders, and arms.

Musty Odor 

Bed bugs have a coriander-like odor. You may sense a pleasant and musty stench if bed bugs are present. If bed bugs have been present for some time, you may notice a distinct sour or aged aroma in addition to the sweet and musty perfume.

Red/Rusty Stains

These little organisms produce a scarlet or reddish stain on linen and bedsheets. They may also leave it on other textiles like curtains, walls, floors, garments, bedspreads, blankets, or carpets. Bed bug stains may be seen in the exact locations that bed bugs love to feed on at night, which are frequently exposed to skin areas near blood flow.

DIY Treatments 

When people discover bed bugs in their house, most homeowners attempt the following Homemade treatments:

  • Vacuum – A vacuum works well for vacuuming bed bugs, bed bug eggs, bed bug dung, bed bug skins, and bed bug feces.
  • Washing clothes and bedsheets – Washing all of your clothes and bedsheets is a simple and efficient way to eradicate bed bugs.
  • Cleaning bedding, wool rugs, and upholstered furniture – Spraying bedding, wool rugs, or upholstered furniture with cold water can eliminate bed bug feces that retain the bed bug’s DNA.
  • Steam cleaning – Consider utilizing a steam cleaner for difficult-to-reach areas or things that cannot be cleaned.

Professional Bed Bug Removal 

When Home bed bug treatments fail, it may be time to call in a professional bed insect exterminator. provides bed bug treatments such as conventional residual application, heat therapy, and fumigation. Check out our bed bug service website and immediately call one of our experts!