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5 Ways Your Home is Attractive to Pests

Pests such as flies, bed bugs, ants, wasps, rats, cockroaches, and mice are regular visitors to many homes. Many people try very hard to get rid of them, but they keep coming back now and then. 

Some simple things we do every day may lead to attracting these unwanted visitors to our homes. Avoiding them makes your home safe for you and your family because pests cause diseases like vector-borne diseases, asthma, and allergies, microbial diseases, and infections. 

Research has proven that pests are attracted to specific environments, and paying attention to these areas may help you control pest infestation.

The following entices and makes your home welcoming to pests:


Moisture causes damage to structures and encourages the growth of mold. Just like human beings, pests also need water. 

Cockroaches and rats get attracted to damp areas and termites like eating wood damaged by moisture. 

If you note that your house is damp, try to use a dehumidifier like an air conditioner to reduce humidity in the room. You should also ensure all pipes are leakage-free.

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Rubbish inside or outside the house can be the best breeding ground for bugs. Rubbish bags may contain lots of organic materials which attract pests to eat, leading to pest infestations. 

Always ensure you empty or put your rubbish in a secure place as soon as they are full of discouraging pests from your home.


Pests can use overhanging branches and overgrown shrubs close to your house as a highway to get into your home. Regular trimming of trees and shrubs can help you keep away pests.

Small Cracks and Gaps

When pests find a crack or gap in your window frame or door, they hide inside. Some pests such as termites cause permanent damage to your door or window. 

Some pests use cracks in the wall as their breeding spot. 

Always check your doors and windows, and in case there is any gap, reseal using wood filler to prevent pests from your woodwork.

Dirty Kitchen and Dishes

Unattended dishes in the sink and dirty kitchen become a free source of food for pests. 

Always ensure you clean up your kitchen and dishes after every meal. Throw away food leftovers, including minor crumbs, in a proper place to keep off pests.

The above guidelines will help you keep pests away from home. If you are experiencing serious pests problems, look for a certified pest control company to help you manage pests.

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