Opossum Pest Management

I find opossums in my yard because...

Opossums are large marsupials that are native to the rural areas around southern California but owing to human activities, they have been evicted from these areas. Due to the spread of urban development into rural areas, opossums have no option but to adapt to human civilization and learn to coexist with humans. Opossums are often seen in regions near readily available outdoor food and water supplies. Fruit trees, vegetable gardens, garbage, pet food, ponds, and lawn pests are just a few of the things that are reportedly attracting opossums to homes in southern California. Opossum sizes vary greatly; some may reach the size of a house cat, while others are a little larger than a mouse. Their long tails, which mimic those of rodents, hairy bodies, and pointed snouts, which are fitted with sharp fangs, make them immediately identifiable. Opossums are nocturnal creatures that prefer secluded, dark spots like the undersides of buildings, decks, and sheds, as well as the areas next to garbage containers. Given how unsightly they are, people often respond startledly when they come across an opossum in the middle of the night. When opossums sense danger, they may display their razor-sharp teeth, hiss, and sometimes even appear lifeless. Opossums should never be trapped by anybody other than skilled professionals because they could transmit disease and because they have a high pain tolerance and the ability to “play possum” in order to make you think that they have gone away despite having sustained a terrible injury.

To lessen the possibility of opossums establishing a presence on your property, remove all possible food and water sources. Pet food that was left outdoors should be taken inside before dusk, and the can lid should be checked to ensure that it is well latched once garbage has been removed. Cleaning up after any fruit or vegetables that may have fallen into ponds, fruit trees, or gardens should be done on a regular basis.

Possums Cause Damage

Garbage cans, lawn pests, pet food, produce, fruit, chickens, and other birds maintained as pets, as well as other kinds of fowl, may all provide opossums with an abundance of food. Opossums start looking for appropriate areas to construct their dens after they have identified a source of food. It seems that a pregnant opossum has chosen to relocate within your wall, crawl space, or attic. She will soon give birth. Opossums’ breeding practices may be quite harmful! In order to build a nest, insulating materials are often torn. Once the nest is built, the mother opossum will urinate and defecate inside of it to mark her territory. More damage is caused by the opossum the longer it stays in the attic, which might wind up costing the home’s owner hundreds or even thousands of dollars to clean up and repair. Commercial buildings, homeowners, and property management companies must immediately enlist the help of experts in order to get rid of possums from their facilities.

Removal and exclusion of opossums

To lessen the possibility that opossums will return, Escondido Pest Control Company offers opossum removal services that include removal, trapping, and exclusion techniques. We also provide cleaning services and repair work if opossums have damaged your house or place of business. We advise beginning an immediate preventative maintenance strategy to deter possums from returning in order to get the greatest results. We provide services on a biweekly, quarterly, and once-off basis in addition to these other schedules. If you have any inquiries about possum removal, call us immediately away at the number above.

Changing the TAP Insulation

We will clean up the possibly dangerous urine and feces that the opossums left behind once they have been removed from your property. The damaged insulation will be removed, repaired, and then replaced with insulation that contains TAP insect control. TAP Insulation is a kind of insulation that protects against heat, sound, and pests. TAP is an insulating material composed of natural fibers that have undergone a boric acid treatment to provide a fire-resistant, thermally superior, sound-deadening insulation with features that permanently control pests. TAP is safe to use around humans and their pets, but it is deadly to a range of pests, including ants, cockroaches, millipedes, silverfish, spiders, termites, and many more. In addition to preventing heat loss in the winter and thermal gain in the summer, this product also deters undesirable animals from entering your home.

A Few Quick Facts About Possum Behavior and Habits


The food of opossums, which are nocturnal creatures, includes vegetation, other small animals, rodents, and even reptiles. In the regions that are near to food and water sources, they will gather in groups. If a possum feels frightened or cornered, it may show its teeth, hiss, or pretend dead. Because of their exceptional pain tolerance, opossums may seem lifeless even after receiving serious wounds, fooling prospective predators into thinking they have died as a consequence of their wounds.


Opossums like confined, dark areas that are infested by other animals or predators. They often establish residences behind garbage cans, below decks, in garages or sheds, in attics, and in other awkward locations. They will stay put and breed there as long as there is a nearby source of food and water.


Opossums may leave a big mess on your property since they like to dig through trash, soil, and compost piles. They may sometimes use the insulation in your attic to build a nest, and when they are ready to mark it as their territory, they will urinate there. Additionally, they have been seen eating small birds like chickens and pet food. Additionally, opossums have been known to spread fleas. The more possums you wind up having to get rid of in the end, the longer you wait to treat them.


It is essential to have a skilled professional remove and trap them since opossums are known to carry disease as well as other pests like fleas and bed bugs. To lessen the possibility that opossums will return, Escondido Pest Control Company offers opossum removal services that include removal, trapping, and exclusion techniques. We also provide cleaning services and repair work if opossums have damaged your house or place of business. We advise beginning an immediate preventative maintenance strategy to deter possums from returning in order to get the greatest results. We provide services on a biweekly, quarterly, and once-off basis in addition to these other schedules. If you have any inquiries about possum removal, call us immediately away at the number above.