How Much Damage Can Termites Do?

Escondido termite damage repairs | Pest Control Escondido, CA

Termite damage restoration may be challenging and time-consuming, depending on the severity of the damage. If you are dealing with termite damage, you may only realize how much you have taken on once your deck begins to sag, your fence posts start to buck, or your flooring begins to buckle.

However, did you know that several other insects consume wood in addition to termites? Along with termites, other species, including wood-boring beetles, dry-rot fungi, and others, may drastically weaken the structural integrity of your home, causing more than $5 billion in damages are generated each year in the US.

Your friendly pest, mosquito, and termite control expert, Escondido CA , wants you to know that you are not alone if your home has to be repaired due to termite damage. Escondido Pest Control offers thorough home restoration services by skilled experts who operate on-site to return your property to the condition it was before the appearance of termites.


According to Nathan Pops, Service Manager (WDO) at Escondido’s Auburn office, subterranean termites will brutally attack a home’s underside, including rim joists, floor joists, subflooring, and wood siding.

Termite colonies may do significant damage quickly, depending on their size. Pops explains that termite colonies never cease expanding or devouring wood. Protecting your home with a regular termite inspection is so important.

Pops remembers going to a home that Escondido CA had just begun maintaining to do a termite inspection. When he arrived, he discovered a termite infestation that was still strong and had already severely damaged the home.

“A good portion of the back of the house, including two sliding glass doors and an entry door, had to be replaced due to the damage,” he asserts. The total amount due was “tens of thousands.”

When homeowners choose Escondido Pest Control to fix termite damage, they can be sure that the job will be done correctly and to the standard they expect.

Working with Escondido Pest Control for your termite repairs has many benefits, including the following:

  • Escondido CA  performs the repairs and manages the project from start to finish.
  • All Escondido CA repair specialists have valid California contractor licenses.
  • You won’t need to track down other contractors to get information or updates since there will be a single point of contact.
  • Escondido CA  can plan and complete your repairs faster than if you hired other contractors.
  • Every repair is put through a rigorous quality control process.
  •  Process, and the work is only finished once you are satisfied.
  • The most recognized name in termite prevention and treatment in California, Escondido Pest Control, is behind all repair services.


What information do you need about potential repairs for termite damage to your home? Here are some typical actions that might be taken:

Wood replacement: Any wood damaged in your home that cannot be fixed must be removed and replaced. Changing structural and non-structural elements, such as baseboards or trim and beams or columns, may fall under this category.

Repair and restoration: Your house must be fixed and returned to its former state once the damaged wood has been replaced. This can include repairing or replacing flooring, patching and painting the walls, and correcting any other termite-related damage.

Prevention: After the damage has been repaired, adopting a preventative strategy to fight against further termite infestations is crucial. Regular inspections, prompt termite treatment by a pest management specialist, elimination of the conditions that encourage termites, such as reducing excess moisture, maintaining suitable ventilation, preventing wood-to-soil contact, avoiding over-mulching, and removal of old tree stumps and wood from yards, are all part of this.

Termite Solutions From Escondido Pest Control

For the most excellent defense against termites, schedule a free home health inspection that includes a comprehensive termite inspection. Additionally, you may ask about the specific Termite Infestation Protection (T.I.P.) program offered by Escondido Pest Control, designed to protect your home from further termite damage and infestations.

Contact California’s trusted, friendly termite treatment expert by phone at (619) 900-6771 or visit our website to schedule your home health inspection and eradicate the termite threat. Until the next time, the pest treatment professionals at Escondido Pest Control appreciate your help keeping unwanted pests from invading your home and yard.