8 Steps To Prevent A Bed Bug Infestation

8 Steps To Prevent A Bed Bug Infestation

When it comes to the possibility of having to deal with bed bugs, the best way to protect yourself is to be very good at what you do. Most of the time, we get bed bugs when we stay in hotels, dorms, or even a friend’s house where they already live.


There are ways to make sure that a bed bug doesn’t move into your house. We’ve put together a list of the eight best ways to stop an all-out infestation.


  1. Not Under the Bed: Don’t make it a habit to store things under your bed. If you do this, bed bugs will have a great place to hide near your mattress. There is also a good chance that you will store something that has them without knowing it.
  2. Bed bugs have a hard time crawling in or around things made of plastic or glass. Using glass containers or plastic storage bags to store things that might attract bugs, like bed bugs, will go a long way toward stopping them from spreading.
  3. Keep it clear of clutter: Keep clothes and other things off the floor as much as you can. If a bed bug has found a way to attach itself to a piece of your clothing, it might decide to move into your closet or dresser.
  4. Cases for specific uses: Buy a dust-mite-proof mattress or box spring cover for your bed. Using such a cover will help make a barrier between you and any bed bugs that might be there.
  5. Vacuum on a regular basis: If you make it a point to vacuum on a regular basis, you will prevent and get rid of any stray bed bugs. When you’re done vacuuming, make sure to empty the bag or canister into a trash can outside so the bed bugs don’t come back inside.
  6. Take Care When You Travel: When you’re traveling and staying in a motel, hotel, or even a dorm room, check the whole room before you unpack your clothes and belongings. Pay attention to the carpet, the curtains, the walls, and the areas around them. The most important thing is to check the bed carefully for signs of bed bugs.
  7. Wash Everything When You Get Home: As soon as you get home, you should wash everything you brought with you to make sure that any bed bugs that may have hitched a ride home with you don’t decide to stay there. It is recommended that the first thing you do when you get home is washed all your clothes, purses, backpacks, and luggage.
  8. Wash your sheets once a week: One of the best ways to keep bed bugs away is to wash all of your bedsheets at least once a week. They should be washed at the highest and hottest temperature possible, as the heat will help kill any live bed bugs and their eggs.


Before you unpack your bags, check your hotel, motel, or rental unit.


All of the above tips are meant to be suggested to prevent a bed bug infestation. If you think you have bed bugs, you should call the bed bug exterminator who is closest to you. If you take action right away, you won’t have to worry about more expensive treatment in the future.